
In 2020, Veterans of Armenia (VOA) established a productive partnership with the APAGA Psychological Service Center in Yerevan, a renowned leader in PTSD treatment in Armenia. This partnership has been instrumental in addressing the mental health needs of our Veterans through therapy and resiliency training.

As a result of our collaboration, we have established PTSD programs across Armenia, including rural communities where such services are not readily accessible. We understand that access to mental health care is crucial for our Veterans, and we are committed to providing it to as many as possible.

To date, we have recorded over 700 sessions in all ten provinces of Armenia & Artsakh. We are proud of the impact that we have made and are committed to expanding our reach in the coming years. We believe that all Veterans deserve access to high-quality mental health care, and we will continue to work tirelessly to ensure that this is the case.

Our mission is to help Veterans and their families reacclimate to their regular lives, by combating numerous mental disorders including but not limited to PTSD. Our trained therapists visit Veteran homes in various regions of Armenia on a daily basis. Each Veteran or family member receives a minimum of 5 in-person sessions and more if necessary.

We are proud to have established this partnership with the APAGA Psychological Service Center and look forward to continuing our collaboration to provide crucial mental health services to our Veterans.

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